Long-pulsed 1064-nm and 755-nm lasers for C1 leg veins on skin type IV patients: a side-by-side comparison

Thứ tư, 16/10/2024, 14:08 GMT+7


Long-pulsed 1064-nm (LP1064) and 755-nm (LP755) lasers have been demonstrated as effective treatments for leg veins. However, few studies of these treatments on Asian skin type as well as direct comparison between two methods were reported. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical efficacy and safety of LP1064 with LP755 in the treatment of C1 leg veins on skin type IV patients. Patients with symmetric matched areas C1 leg veins were treated with single session of LP1064 for the right and LP755 for the left. Treated areas of every patient were divided into matrices of 2 × 2 cm squares. Vessels in the highest density squares were subjected to evaluation. Spot sizes were 5 mm fixed. Pulse durations and fluences were according to vessel diameters and endpoints, respectively. The clearances were evaluated at 1 and 3 months post treatment. Side effects were recorded immediately, 10 min, 24 h, and 1 and 3 months after treatment. Twenty-two patients were enrolled with total 96 vessels from 22 selected squares in the right and 106 vessels from 22 selected squares in the left. At 1-month follow-up, the clearances of LP1064 and LP755 were not significantly different (71.87% and 71.69%, respectively; p = 0.99). At 3-month follow-up, the efficacies were constant and no recurrence occurred. Pain levels of both methods were moderate and significantly lower in LP755. These findings suggest that LP1064 and LP755 laser treatments were comparatively effective and safe for C1 leg veins of skin type IV patients.

Keywords: Clinical trial; Leg veins; Long-pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser; Long-pulsed 755-nm alexandrite laser; Reticular veins; Telangiectasia.

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